Posts tagged ‘trompe l’oeil’

July 22, 2011

More of trompe l’oeil in Las Vegas

As we travel along the West Coast, here’s another trompe l’oeil concept spotted at Bellagio shopping gallery. Trompe l’oeil in French translates to “deceive the eye”,  is a type of art technique using realistic imagery to create optical illusion so that the depicted objects appear in three dimension.

Pretty umbrella pretending to be all flora! 🙂 don’t you just love how it tricks the eyes?

Stay tuned to see how we translate some trompe l’oeil concept in our upcoming F/W 2011 collection.

July 16, 2011

Hunting on the Lagoon by Vittore Carpaccio

It isn’t exactly an extract from my initial inspiration board for F/W 2011 but can’t help spotting ’em all over the place. They say you have eyes only for the things you choose to see. Ain’t this true?

Hunting on the Lagoon is part of the European painting collection at The Getty Centre, Los Angeles.

Initially, I was attracted by the boats and hunting scene. Always had a thing or two for boats/ships and olden days trading/pirates related stuff (not Pirates of the Carribean though).

However, guess what’s the surprise behind?!

And no, it’s not ’cause it’s mail related again but the concept! Do you see what I like? 🙂

Signs off,

p/s: looking forward to F/W 2011